Summer Academy

We are excited to invite you to our Summer Academy Program to be held at SHAS again this summer. The program will start on June 3rd and will wrap up on August 16th. There will also be a week off the week of July 1-5th. This year, we are able to offer our program for children aged 5-12 and it will continue to run under the direction of Ms. Azure Hogate. Ms. Audrey Brill will assist again this summer.

The program will review reading and math skills with a weekly theme. Each day will consist of approximately 1.25 hours of math/reading work, multiple weekly art projects, plenty of outside play time (approx. 3 hours/day), and a weekly excursion/field trip. An anticipated schedule of the day will be provided. There is no homework or grades for this program, but the structed learning time will be instrumental in helping prevent the “summer slide”. We will continue to emphasize a lack of “screen time” with some exceptions made for educational purposes or in the case of inclement weather.

Parents are welcome to choose a full day ($30/day) or half day ($20/day) option. Invoices will be sent out a week in advance and payment must be made the week ahead of time. The payment for week 1 will be billed out the last week of school (May 20th-24th) and must be paid before the last day of school (May 24th). You can arrange to have your invoice sent out for the entire month or entire summer if you prefer. Contact Miss Jessi in the office if you would like to arrange a different billing plan.

Registration form is required with a $10 registration fee before April 12th to secure your spot. More information will be sent out to those that register. If for some reason our registration numbers are below the needed amount to make this program viable, we will cancel the program not later than May 8th.



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We did it!!!