Our Traditions

Sacred Heart Area School is proud to be a school rich in history and Catholic tradition. Some of our traditions include; Daily rosary in October and May, Mass twice a week, Saint dress-up for All Saints Day, our community focused Work-a-thon, Spring Roadside clean-up, multiple food/toiletries/pajama drives for local charities, Veterans Day program (open to the public), weekly assembly, Catholic United Financial Raffle Ticket sales, our Arts and Academic Awards Talent Week, and an end-of-the year Spring Blast that is the most fun you’ll have all year.

These beloved annual events unite the our community in celebration of the school’s history and vibrancy, giving students the chance to get to know peers and teachers who they might not encounter in their daily routines. What results is a strong sense of community and engagement that reminds our community that we are thriving and that we do all things so that God may be glorified.

 Annual Traditions


Back to School Picnic/Open House:  Held annually the week before school starts to welcome new and returning students and their families to a new school year at SHAS.

Grandparents Day/Book Fair: A combined event where Grandparents and parents are invited to join the students for Mass followed by a celebration at school.


Work-a-thon:  This is the school’s first major fundraiser of the year, which is usually held right before MEA weekend in October.  Students solicit pledges prior to the event and then earn them by completing a service project.  This is a major opportunity for parents or grandparents to work with their children and earn volunteer hours while doing something that benefits their community.  Students have the opportunity to win individual and school-wide prizes. Our goal this year is to raise $15,000.

Daily Rosary

Halloween Dance & Party


Fall Dinner:  SHAS students and staff support Sacred Heart Church and St. Michael’s Church by attending Fall Dinners and/or helping serve lunch.

Veteran’s Day Program:  Family members and the public are invited to salute and honor retired and active service men and woman on Veteran’s Day at the school.  Students perform and sing, and a guest speaker will address the audience.


Christmas Program: Preschool conducts performances throughout the week inside the classroom. Kindergarten does a musical performance before the 1st-6th grades perform their Christmas play. Afternoon and evening performances are open to parents or friends of the school in the school auditorium. Family and friends are invited for refreshments and cookies served after the performances.


Catholic Schools Week: Kick-off Catholic Schools Week with Mass at Sacred Heart and St. Michael’s with meals following. Themed days filled with fun activities including dress up days at school, money or supply drives for charities, card decorating, thank you cards, and many other activities.



Lenten Season: SHAS students and staff gather together weekly to learn and reflect on the Lenten season.

Lent Fish Fry:  SHAS students and staff help cook and serve fish in the church basement every Friday evening during lent.

Triple A Talent Week: Arts, Academics and Awards is held and displayed throughout the week. Students participate in their choice of activities by creating and displaying art projects, demonstrating academics, or performing for the students, staff and families of the community.


Lenten Season: SHAS students and staff gather together weekly to learn and reflect on the Lenten season. 

Lent Fish Fry:  SHAS students and staff help cook and serve fish in the church basement every Friday evening during lent.

Highway Cleanup


Daily Rosary

Spring Blast: This is the school’s third major fundraiser. Parents, volunteers and alumni decorate and set-up school for evening dinner with live and silent auction, and to play games of chance. Goal is to raise $75,000.

End of School Picnic: Celebrate the last day of school with Mass and a picnic immediately following with students, staff, friends and family.

All School Field Trip

End of Year Picnic: A chance for students, parents, and staff to celebrate another successful year!




Railroad Days Games: Staff and students offer games outside the school during Railroad Day activities that are used to raise money for the school.

Railroad Days Parade: Staff and students plan, create and participate in sponsoring a float in the annual Railroad Days Parade to promote the school.

Other Events and Activities

Advent Season:  SHAS students gather together each week during Advent to learn and celebrate this season.

Preschool-Kindergarten Round-Up: Welcome families with pre-schoolers and upcoming Kindergarten students to visit and gather information on our school and the programs we offer and ask them to join our Sacred Heart family.

Spring Field Trips:  SHAS students participate in several fun and educational field trips in the spring.

Community Dance: This is a fun event for students held a few times a year, which raises funds for purchasing technology, pays for field trips, etc. for our school. Public school students and the community are invited.  Concessions are sold at the dance, including popcorn and pizza.

Sacred Heart School SONG

S is for Samaritans who care for others.

A is for academics.

C is for Christians just like you and me, here at Sacred Heart.

R is for righteousness to one another.

E is for everyone.

D is for delightfulness here at Sacred Heart.

H is for happiness in all the rooms.

E is for encouragement.

A is for achievement here at Sacred Heart, always a helping hand.

R is for respect for everybody.

T is for trust in others.

We are all welcome here at Sacred Heart and that’s our Sacred Heart Song!