Getting to know the Principal

Georgina Perez

What are you looking forward to about working at Sacred Heart School?

I am eagerly looking forward to becoming a part of the Sacred Heart Area School community and collaborating with students, parents, faculty, and staff. I am excited to join an environment that fosters the holistic development of each SHAS student. The school's record of academic success and spiritual growth is truly inspiring. It will be a privilege to witness and contribute to the growth and development of our students as they embody the values of our faith.

What do you like most about working in a Catholic school?

What I appreciate most about working in a Catholic school is the unique opportunity to integrate faith and education. It is a privilege to guide students not only in their academic pursuits but also in their spiritual journeys. As the principal, I am especially grateful for the chance to work with a team of dedicated and incredible teachers who are passionate about their vocation. Their commitment to fostering a sense of community, shared values, and the ability to openly practice and teach our faith makes working in a Catholic school uniquely fulfilling.

Is there an area of education that you are most passionate about?

As the new principal, I am deeply committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to succeed. I believe in creating an environment that nurtures and supports the unique gifts and talents of each student. I am honored to work with a team of dedicated and compassionate teachers who share this commitment. I look forward to building on their efforts to promote justice and compassion within our school. Together, we will continue to foster a culture of respect, understanding, and support, ensuring that every student feels valued and every teacher feels supported to achieve their full potential in accordance with our Catholic values.

Is there anything you would like the community to know about you?

I would like the community to know that I am wholeheartedly dedicated to the mission and values of Sacred Heart Area School. I bring with me a wealth of experience in education, teacher mentorship, and community partnerships, along with a deep commitment to fostering a nurturing and a learning environment. I am eager to get to know each of you and collaborate to continue making Sacred Heart Area School the place where every student achieves their fullest potential and every teacher is supported to reach their goals every day.