Sacred Heart Area School

Advisory Board

  • Our School Board meets the second Tuesday of every month at 5:30pm in the school gym. Some months are subject to change due to schedules, so please watch the weekly newsletter for updates.

    August 13, 2024

    September 10, 2024

    October 8, 2024

    November 12, 2024

    December 10, 2024

    January 14, 2025

    February 11, 2025

    March 11, 2025

    April 8, 2025

    May 13, 2025

    June 10, 2025

  • Chelsey Olander - Chair

    Chelsey’s term will end after the 2024-2025 school year.

    Chelsey serves on the Fundraising and Curriculum Committees.

  • Brandon Pearson

    Brandon is serving his first term on the school board. His term will end after the 2025-2026 school year.

    Brandon serves on the Fundraising and PR/Marketing/Development Committees.

  • Zachary Brusewitz

    Zach is serving his first term on the school board. His term will end after the 2025-2026 school year.

    Zach serves on the Fundraising and Budget & Finance Committees.

  • Cory Detloff

    Cory Detloff is serving his first term on the school board. His term will end after the 2024-2025 school year.

    Cory serves on the Budget & Finance and the Curriculum Committees.

  • Mandi Hanson

    Mandi is serving in her first term as the non-Catholic, non-voting member of the school board. Her term will end after the 2024-2025 school year.

    Mandi serves on the Budget & Finance Committee.

  • Megan Dolezal - Secretary

    Megan is serving her first term on the school board. Her term will end after the 2026-2027 school year.

  • Matt Hanson - Vice Chair

    Matt is serving his first term on the school board. His term will end after the 2026-2027 school year.

  • Aimee Brichacek

    Aimee finished serving her first term on the school board which ended after the 2023-2024 school year. She is continuing to serve in a non-voting capacity as a community representative.

  • Committee Purpose

    Each Advisory Board Member participates on 2 sub-committees each year. See document for details of each.

Sacred Heart Area School

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday June 19, 2024 5:30 - 7:00p.m  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to Order                                                                      Chair

Opening Prayer                                                                Pastor or Principal

Calling of Roll                                                                    Chair

                -Father Aaron, Deacon Randy, William, Chelsey, Zach, Brandon, Cory, Mandi, Aimee

Approval of Minutes                                                      Chair/Secretary

                -Motion by Chelsey, second by Zach, approved

Approval of Agenda

                -Motion by Chelsey, second by Brandon, approved                                                                                

Old Business

Committee Reports

Fundraising – see new business                                       

                Budget & Finance - have not met                                  

                PR/Mktg./Dev. Kelly has website access, will need to determine another Facebook admin     

                Curriculum – not met, test scores coming this week, will review once ready 

Parochial School Report                                                               Principal or Teacher Representative

Field Trip – Paul Bunyan Land received mixed feedback. Planned yearly rotation would be Safari North Zoo, Holst Acres, PB Land

MNSAA Accreditation - William will go through the report to complete this and the Strategic Plan with the new principal                                                                  

New Business       

●        Principal update – Father Aaron gave an update on candidates and next steps.  Offer extended to top candidate. He will call the other 2 to let them know the decision once the offer is acccepted.

●        Teacher interview updates – 2 candidates interviewed, offer will be extended to top candidate.

●         Survey results – Results were compiled for Board review. Low response rate. It was decided an email should be sent to the families with responses to show we heard their feedback. Some items brought up in the survey centered around communication, this email to the families will be a start to get things addressed and shared.

●        $10,000 raffle – Chelsey has this all ready to go, tickets were dispersed to the Board and selling can start immediately.  She will work with Jessi to get information out.

●         Railroad Days – Aimee spoke with Renee and the layout of this might change so Plinko may not be an option. Chelsey will take the lead on this and work with Jessi on a Slottr for parade volunteers and candy donations. Pending RR Days layout, the parade might be all they do.

●        New board members – New Board members were announced, their first meeting will be July 17th to meet the new principal.

●        Interim chair – Aimee is current Board chair but her term has expired. There won’t be a chair or vice-chair for the next meeting.  Chelsey was nominated to be the interim chair until the next meeting when the Board meets and determines officers.  Motion to name Chelsey as Chair was made, seconded and approved by majority vote.

●         Update on sign outside of school – William emailed Doug for an updated, he will forward the correspondence to Tom B for assistance with installation.

Expansion Business

-Chelsey asked for an update on the letter William drafted to ask the Bishop for permission to explore this.  Father Aaron will review and submit.

Next Meeting   

●        July 17, 2024 at 5:30pm

Adjournment -7:37pm                                                   Chair                                     

Closing Prayer                                                                   Priest or Principal

Sacred Heart Area School

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday May 15, 2024 5:30 - 7:00p.m. 

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all. 

Call to Order         Chair

Opening Prayer Pastor or Principal

Calling of Roll Chair

-William, Deacon Randy, Brandon, Zach, Chelsey, Cory, Mandi, Aimee

Approval of Minutes Chair/Secretary

-Motion by Chelsey, Second by Brandon, Approved

Approval of Agenda

-Motion by Cory, Second by Zach, Approved     

Old Business

  • Spring Blast - Net profit $101,953. Highest year yet. Recapped event.

  • Contracts - Distributed to staff including approved increases. Mrs. DiGiovanni is retiring. 2 returned so far.

Committee Reports 

Fundraising - Spring Blast update provided. Garage Sale at Becker’s brought in around $5,000. Discussed next events: $10k Raffle and RR Days. Raffle paperwork is all completed and ready to go.  Plan for RR Days in place pending scheduling. Chelsey will reach out to Chamber for details.

Budget & Finance - Met on 5/1/24. Reviewed and adjusted numbers, $10k surplus as it stands.

PR/Mktg./Dev. -Continued social media and website updates.

Curriculum - Not met. William started ordering already with funds available. EANS funds were also used to purchase classroom novel sets.

Parochial School Report Principal or Teacher Representative

-Staff updates

- Storage Shed by little playground: Knights of Columbus built a shed for PreK and outside toy storage. Will need a floor/base, but working on that.

- Lunch table: broke but by count it will not need to be replaced yet. 

- Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast: Less attendees than usual, 6th grade did a great job of serving. Thank you’s were handed out.  Those in attendance were grateful and enjoyed it.

- Active Shooter Drill: Scheduled for the afternoon of 5/16. It was discussed with staff and students today.

- CSCOE Grant Opportunity: William plans to attend their event Thursday evening. It’s for networking and chances at grants available to those in attendance.

- Hooked on Fishing: 4th grade will be attending on Friday

- Schedule for last week: ran through the daily happenings the last week of school.  

New Business     

  • Teacher Hiring Update - some application received, but don’t seem too viable. Will need to do another push to encourage qualified applicants to apply

  • Non-salaried Staff Raises - Discussed 2 staff members current pay. A motion was made to increase two staff members hourly rate. Motion by Aimee, second by Chelsey, Approved by unanimous vote.

  • Reading Specialist Position - William drafted a position description for a Reading Specialist based on discussion last meeting regarding Title 1 changes and Janelle Thompson no longer being eligible to do Title 1. Position description and budget considerations reviewed. Motion to approve position and proposed salary made by Cory, second by Brandon, approved by unanimous vote.  Motion to offer position to Janelle Thompson made by Cory, second by Chelsey, approved by unanimous vote.

  • Electronic Signage - With the success from Spring Blast and prior approved motion at last Board meeting to go with the bid from Stewart Signs. The Special Project raised $8450, so a motion was made to use funds from Spring Blast profit to fill in the gap, motion by Cory, second by Zach, approved by unanimous vote. William will sign the contract to get the digital sign moving forward. 

  • Dress Code - Zach presented the idea of getting away from temperature based gauging for when shorts are appropriate and base it off dates instead. Discussion was had regarding pros and cons of this. Changing to set dates would cut down on the manual checking of temperature the staff currently does. Motion was made by Zach to allow shorts to be worn between April 15th and October 15th, second by Chelsey. Zach, Brandon, Chelsey, Aimee voted yes, Cory voted no. Motion passed by majority vote. This is with the understanding that no shorts are allowed during Uniform/Mass days and they must follow the dress code and be of appropriate length for modesty reasons.

  • Review of Principal Applicants - Board reviewed applicants for Principal position. Deacon Randy will reach out to 2 of them for clarification. Will schedule interviews pending Father Aaron’s availability. 

Expansion Business

  • N/A

Next Meeting

  • June 19, 2024 5:30pm

Adjournment Chair 

-7:30pm. Motion by Chelsey, Second by Zach. Approved.

Closing Prayer Principal

Sacred Heart Area School

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday April 17, 2024 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to Order                                                             Chair

Opening Prayer                                                         Pastor or Principal

Calling of Roll                                                           Chair

-William, Father Aaron, Brandon, Chelsey, Cory, Zack, Mandi, Aimee                      

Approval of Minutes                                                 Chair/Secretary

-Motion by Chelsey, second by Cory, approved

Approval of Agenda

-Motion by Cory, second by Zack, approved                                                               

Old Business

●       Donation Appreciation > All packages were delivered and were well received.

●       Digital Signage > After reviewing 3 bids, Stewart Signs was the top choice. Additional questions were asked for follow up. William will reach out and advise the group.

●       3rd & 4th grade math – Ordered curriculum for next school year, used funds alloted in public account.

●       Fish Fry - 2648 meals served, net profit pending. Mandi advised on post fry meeting and future steps.

●       Accreditation/SSP - Visit complete, waiting for report. Shared feedback received in wrap up meeting (positives and negatives). This happens every 7 years through MNSAA. Examiner expenses covered with a report to be available mid-May.

Committee Reports

Fundraising > Spring Blast event coming, planning & preparation going well        

Budget & Finance > meeting to be scheduled                                                          

PR/Mktg./Dev. > not met                              

Curriculum > Fast Bridge testing is end of April, results to be reviewed after.

Parochial School Report                                          Principal or Teacher Representative  

·         School Song Book > New song book printed, showed a copy

·         Core Virtue > “Forgiveness”

·         Penny Wars > $1062 raised for the Food Shelf. The goal was $500, the response was better than expected, kids seemed to have fun with it.                                                               

New Business    

●        Public Forum > Matt Olander presented to the Board insight into his volunteer time at the school, his visits to other schools and upcoming plans for Our Souls for Christ nonprofit.

●        Title 1 - New rules coming next year at the Public School requires certain certification for Title 1 staff. This means we will be working with a new Title 1 teacher. William proposed an option to keep Janelle Thompson on staff as a Reading Specialist. Details were provided, Budget & Finance will review the option at their next meeting and advise the Board.

●        Apple Pie Day > The current person that facilitates this is looking to retire. If anyone knows of someone that might want to lead this, they can contact the office.

●        D.C. Trip (5th & 6th grade) > William was given information from a company that does class trips to Washington DC.  It seems like an interesting change of pace and something to consider for the future.

●        Letters of Intent > These were given to the staff, all returned but one.

●        PreK Aide Position > Arissa’s last day is April 19th. Kayla Meeks will start April 29th as Aide and After School Care.

●        Principal Search > Update provided on current and next steps.

●        Contracts (sealed to the Board) > Reviewed contracts and salaries. Increases discussed, motion for 5% by Cory, second by Zack, approved.

Expansion Business

●       William drafted a letter to the Bishop and provided it to Father Aaron for review.

Next Meeting

●       May 15th, 5:30pm at the school

Adjournment                                                             Chair  

-9:20pm. Motion by Chelsey, second by Zack, approved                                                       

Closing Prayer                                                          Pastor or Principal

Sacred Heart Area School

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday March 6,  2024 5:30 - 7:00p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to Order                                                             President

Opening Prayer                                                         Pastor or Principal

Calling of Roll                                                           President

-William, Shela, Brandon, Zach, Chelsey, Cassie, Cory, Mandi, Aimee

Approval of Minutes                                                 President/Secretary

  -Motion by Chelsey, Second by Cassie, Approved

Approval of Agenda

-Motion by Cory, Second by Brandon, Approved                                                                                

Old Business

Book Fair total raised - Low adoption, William is looking for another in person option

● Donation Appreciation - Packages complete for when needed

● Baby Sitters Club (March) - Only 2 interested sitters. Still interested in trying it, but will need to limit the number of kids the first time. If continued, it would be just during the school year. Sitters should be 6th grade or older.

● 7th and 8th Grade (Letter and Questions) - Only 11 surveys returned, this was sent via email as an attachment, will need to assess how surveys are sent home to encourage more responses. William was able to discuss with Diocese Superintendent what is needed to continue the discussion about potential expansion. William has some follow up questions, he will advise the Board when responses are received.

● Digital signage - William shared more information on the quote received. A second comparable was obtained as well, one more will be sought to make a final decision.

Committee Reports

Fundraising - Spring Blast update provided.  Fish Fry status update, meetings with New   Committee scheduled for 3/7 and 4/11.                                                      

Budget & Finance - Met, will be updating the CD held at MCNB.                                            

PR/Mktg./Dev. -Continued social media and website updates                                      

Curriculum - Not met  

Parochial School Report                                          Principal or Teacher Representative

-Majority of topics were addressed in Old and New Business.

-New math curriculum for 3rd and 4th grade will be ordered with available funds as discussed at last meeting.                                                                                      

New Business    

Fish Fry current numbers - discussed in Committee Report

● OSV Annual Fund - New contract provided, pricing changes after 4/1, will be the same as this past year if signed prior. William likes the package we had with the State of the School report. Prior campaign raised $32,600 with roughly $15,400 in expenses. Motion by Chelsey to sign the contract prior to April 1st with the same package as last year. Second by Cassie. Approved.

●  Public School Specials contract - William reviewed and asked for a couple changes which Public School adjusted. Motion by Cassie, Second by Brandon. Approved.

●  Socks - A vendor has sent a sample for school logo socks. William presented to the Board to see if these were of interest for the school store. We chose to pass.

●  School Field Trip - Paul Bunyan Land on May 23rd

Spring Blast - early out and/or no ASC Friday before? - Approved to have no ASC on 5/2

● Tuition Increase - Discussed potential tuition increase for next school year. Budget & Finance will meet to make a recommendation to present to the full Board at the next meeting.

  Expansion Business

● Discussed in Old Business

 Next Meeting

● April 17, 2024 5:30pm

Adjournment                                                             President

-7:15pm. Motion by Aimee, Second by Cassie. Approved.                              

Closing Prayer                                                          Principal

    Sacred Heart Area School 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday February 6, 2024 5:45 – 7:15p.m.   

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.  

 Call to Order         Chair 

Opening Prayer Pastor or Principal 

Calling of Roll Chair 

-William, Fr Aaron, Brandon, Chelsey, Cassie, Cory, Mandi, Aimee  

Approval of Minutes    Chair/Secretary 

-Motion by Cory. Second by Chelsey. Approved. 

Approval of Agenda  

-Motion by Chelsey. Second by Cassie. Approved.      

Old Business 

  • Buddy Bench (Bernie St. Pierre memorial) > Bench has been received and will be stored in the basement until spring. Plaque will need to be ordered. 

  • Book Fair Underway – Online book fair is available now. Added to website. Will add to Facebook. 

  • Donation Appreciation – package almost assembled (hat, decal, tumbler, Spring Blast ticket offer).  

  • Baby Sitter Club (March) - email sent out to gauge interest in babysitters. Looking for 6th grade and up, William or Jessi will send a follow up email to clarify ages. 

Committee Reports  

Fundraising > Updates provided on Fish Fry and Spring Blast. Getting a quote for an upgraded sound system next Wednesday. Will be measuring stage opening to get pricing on a new stage curtain.   

Budget & Finance > not met, will be scheduling a meeting   

PR/Mktg./Dev. > Continued social media and website updates.  

Curriculum > testing results reviewed during new business 

Parochial School Report Principal or Teacher Representative   

  • Catholic United Financial Raffle - $14,850 raised so far. More tickets ordered. 

  • Virtue of the Month > Honesty and Justice 

  • Lunch Service > Received first invoice, $2800 for 4 months of food service from public school  

New Business      

  • Fast Bridge Testing Results > Reviewed recent test results. Discussed scores, overall concerns and potential options.

  • Budget update and P&L > Provided for review.

  • Fish Fry > Discussed during committee reports. 

  • 7th & 8th Grade > William has an onsite meeting with the interim Diocese Superintendent on 2/14 at the school. It was asked if we can create a survey and do some exploratory research to see if this would be a topic of interest to families. Chelsey will draft survey questions.  

Acton Business 

  • Father Aaron toured the Sanctuary Academy in Chicago. More to come. 

Next Meeting  

  • March 6th, 5:30pm at the school 

 Adjournment Chair  

-Motion by Cory. Second by Chelsey. Approved.  

Closing Prayer Pastor or Principal 

Sacred Heart Area School 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday January 9, 2024 5:30 – 6:30p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.  

Call to Order         Chair 

Opening Prayer Pastor or Principal 

Calling of Roll Chair 

-William, Brandon, Cassie, Chelsey, Cory, Mandi, Aimee  

Approval of Minutes Chair/Secretary 

-Motion by Cory, second by Chelsey, approved 

Approval of Agenda  

-Motion by Chelsey, second by Cory, approved    


Old Business 

  • Buddy Bench (Bernie St. Pierre memorial) > location determined, will place in Spring 

  • Constitution Revision sent out 30 days in advance. Motion by Chelsey, second by Cory, approved 


Committee Reports  

Fundraising > First Spring Blast meeting scheduled for 1/21 at 3:30pm at the school.  

Fish Fry plan discussed. William will follow up w Bryan Winkles to get Committee meeting scheduled with prior group.  William will coordinate with potential new Members.  

CSW Raffle starting 1/12/24. Tickets are $10 this year. Goal of $30,000, stretch goal of $32,000 

Budget & Finance > no update   

PR/Mktg./Dev. > no update  

Curriculum > no update, Fast Bridge testing 2nd week of January, will meet when finished 


Parochial School Report Principal or Teacher Representative   

  • OSV > Goal was $30,000, we received $37,407. Extra benefits of this was it cleaned up the mailing list (bad addresses). Next year we will plan for better advertising. 

  • EANS Funds > Purchased more Chromebooks and a cart for student use. These have been received and need to finish set up before put to good use. 

  • Qtr 2 Assessments > Completed all but PreSchool but will finish before end of the week  

  • Palmetto Fortis Pages > William reviewed a replacement option for Scholastic. The last couple book fairs he has gone through and pulled out books that weren’t appropriate or matching to Catholic values. He found this online option that is free and they will give back 25% of sales in books. He plans to offer this in the Spring. 

  • Slottr Complaint > A complaint was received regarding the ads that are promoted on sign up sheets. It was decided to pay the $40/year subscription fee to be ad free. 

 New Business      

  • Donation Appreciation > William proposed that a thank you package be put together for large donors. The idea was well received and he will look to see what item costs would be. 

  • David Fremo resignation > Mr. Fremo, the Diocese Superintendent, resigned on 12/28 to take another position within the Diocese. An interim Superintendent has been assigned until a replacement is hired. 

  • Stewardship Council > It was decided that William would be the representative for SHAS. 

  • Community Activity Ideas > William posed a couple ideas to promote community involvement/participation: Monthly Game Night or Kids Dropoff/Parent Date Night. After discussion, most thought the Date Night option would be better received. William suggested this to be open to school families first. Teen volunteers would be needed. He was aware of other schools doing this and will look for their information.  

 Acton Business 

  • No updates/on hold 

 Next Meeting  

  • February 7, 5:45pm at the school 

 Adjournment Chair  

-Motion by Chelsey, second by Cory, approved  

Closing Prayer Pastor or Principal 

Sacred Heart Area School

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday December 6, 2023 5:30 – 7:50p.m.

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to Order                                                             Chair

Opening Prayer                                                         Pastor or Principal

Calling of Roll                                                           Chair

-William, Fr Aaron, Shela, Chelsey, Cory, Mandi, Aimee                                       

Approval of Minutes (quorum not met)                  Chair/Secretary

Approval of Agenda (quorum not met)                                                                                


Old Business

●       OSV > mailings are completed. Raised over $24k with a goal of $30k.

●       Budget > Committee met to review and noted a few updates needed

●       Buddy Bench (Bernie St. Pierre memorial) > Funds were received and bench picked out. Need to determine best location and pick out the plaque for it.

●       Constitution – will be reviewed and voted on at next meeting, quorum not met for a proper vote


Committee Reports

Fundraising > no updates provided                           

            Budget & Finance > met in November, see above for updates                                 

            PR/Mktg./Dev. > no updates provided                                  

            Curriculum > no updates provided


Parochial School Report                                          Principal or Teacher Representative  

·         OSV > see Old Business

·         Fast Bridge Testing > Next round will be the 2nd week of January, results to be reviewed at February’s meeting

·         EANS Funds > There are around $27k left for use. Part of these funds will be used towards teacher professional development on a montly program geared towards growth mindset. The remaining funds may be used to potentially purchase more Chromebooks and a cart for student use.

·         Christmas Program > All performances will be on 12/20 at 1pm and 6:30pm. Preschool is at 9:15am.

·         Qtr 2 Assessments > Teacher assessments and observations will be completed before the end of next week.

·         Virtue of the Month > Generosity is December’s virtue. Father Gabriel talks with the students about these virtues when he visits the classrooms and they will be getting books from the Public Library on the topic each month.


New Business    

●       Specials > It was asked if we’ve ever considered using the Community Center for gym. Shela advised on past history. Chelsey had asked for cost from the CC and it was rough estimated to be around $50/hour and best times for use would be 1-3pm. This was good information to have but it would require more research and planning if we were to consider this. The Curriculum Committee will conduct research.

●       Leave of Absense > Father Aaron and William approved a leave of absense request for a Board member.

●       Employee Handbook > William and Deacon Randy attended a seminar on this topic. William then revised the handbook accordingly. Board reviewed the updates/changes at this meeting.

●       Stewardship Council > Father Aaron advised of a new council within the ACC. It was proposed to have a Board member be on the committee. This will be a big focus for the ACC. Some info was provided and Board members are asked to consider this opportunity. We may ask for a member of the Stewardship council to attend our next meeting.

Acton Business

●        On hold pending > Father Aaron will be meeting with David Fremo, Diocese School Supertintendent on the 19th or 21st.

Next Meeting

●       January 10th, 5:30pm at the school

Adjournment                                                             Chair                                                              

Closing Prayer                                                          Pastor or Principal

Sacred Heart Area School 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday November 1, 2023 5:30 - 6:35p.m.    

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.  


Call to Order         Chair 

Opening Prayer Pastor or Principal 

Calling of Roll Chair 

-William, Shela, Brandon, Chelsey, Cory, Aimee  

Approval of Minutes - motion, second, approved Chair/Secretary 

Approval of Agenda – motion, second, approved      

Old Business 

  • OSV > mailings have gone out. Week 4 right now, 4 weeks to go. A thank you call will go out at week 8. Currently at $14,662 with a goal of $30k. 

  • Holst Acres Volunteer > We had 9 volunteers Friday night, 6 on Saturday. All that helped said it was a good time. Donation pending from Holst Acres. 

  • Budget – pending Committee meeting 

  • Virtue of the Month - Oct./Nov. > Started in October with diligence, November is gratitude. William talks with the students about this, but will plan to promote it more so it becomes understood and word will spread. 

Committee Reports  

Fundraising > see Parochial School report  

Budget & Finance > pending meeting   

PR/Mktg./Dev. > Continuing to update website and social media  

Curriculum > reviewed Fast Bridge results as a group.  


Parochial School Report Principal or Teacher Representative   

  • Curriculum > all has been received. Continuing to work with public school to ensure there are no issues with ordering next year. 

  • Lunch Volunteers > Response was more than expected. It’s been good and it’s allowed for meeting new families. There have been quite a few repeat helpers.  They will continue to send out the Slottr and put it in the newsletter. 

  • Fish Fry > This will be lead by William, Mandi and Matt. More planning to come. Fish Fry meeting went well, 9 families represented.  

  • Exit Surveys for Summer Academy > response was positive, went better than last year. The only suggestions were to allow for more outside time/play. Expenses vs income was favorable this time. 

  • PLC scheduled > Topic is growth mindset. Grant received as well as use of EANS funds for staff development. 

  • Tasha Schuh > as an in service, motivational speaker Tasha Schuh shared her story and message with staff and students. She teaches on PATH – Purpose, Attitude, Team and Hope. Well recieved by all that attended. 

  • Accreditation > Scheduled for April 8-10, 2024. They will be contacting the Board members, parents, teachers and Father.  This happens every 7 years through MNSAA. 

  • November 18th, William and Deacon Randy will be attending a Handbook Conference in St. Cloud. This will provide information and assistance with our handbooks to ensure they are accurate and organized. 

New Business      

  • Constitution Updates > was reviewed by the members present, there were a few suggestions.  This will be sent out for a final review prior to next meeting so we can do a final vote for approval. 

  • Buddy Bench - Bernie St. Pierre Memorial > The family of Bernie St. Pierre kindly asked for donations to be made to SHAS in memoriam.  With the funds donated, it was suggested to do a Buddy Bench on the playground that would have a plaque in her honor. This bench would be for students to sit on if they are lonely and need a friend. Other students can see this and ask them to play. Larry is working on logistics and location. 

  • Scholarship renamed > the scholarship fund that was in Bernie’s name was renamed to “Teacher Hall of Fame” Scholarship per the families request. The funds that remain from the St. Pierre family donation that are over and above the cost of the buddy bench will go towards this scholarship. 

  • Snow Removal > Landon and Axel Mertens will be doing snow removal again this year. They did a great job last year and we are lucky to have them back. 

Acton Business 

  • On hold pending Father meeting with Diocese Superintendent Fremo. As it stands, the micro school concept seems to be the best option to pursue, but there are a lot of details and logistics to work out  yet. 

Next Meeting  

  • December 6th, 5:30pm at the school 

Adjournment Chair  

Closing Prayer Pastor or Principal 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday September 20th 5:30p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to Order          Aimee Brichacek 

Attendees: William Liedl, Father Aaron, Chelsey Olander, Cory Detloff, Zach Brusewitz, Brandon Pearson, Cassie Roberts, Shela McIlravy, Aimee Brichacek 

Opening Prayer Fr. Aaron 

Approval of Agenda    

Approval of Minutes    

Parochial School Report Wm Liedl   

  • Enrollment is up. Last year at this time we were at 108, we are currently at 110 and have 3 more prospective families 

  • 2nd grade was approved of a $500 grant for a hydroponics section from Central MN Irrigators. William and Justin are working on ordering supplies to get started.  

  • FastBridge testing is starting this week and going into October 

  • Fire drill last week, we’ll have an “intruder drill” later this week, and a storm shelter drill in October 

  • Curriculum is still not here; William is working with Shane at the public school to resolve 

  • First lunchroom volunteers went well; Slottr sent out in hopes of more signups 

  • Fish Fry Letter was sent out; Meeting on October 30th (6pm, food and drink provided) 

  • No mass on October 4th and 6th, both Father Aaron and Father Gabriel are out of town 

 Committee Reports - discussed during New Business. 

 Old Business 

  • Acton Exploration – The ACC micro school did not come to fruition this year. Further conversation will be had to determine next steps.  Father Aaron and William will provide an update at the next Board meeting so we can determine our next steps. 

  • Phone tree – has been updated and sent to the Board  

  • OSV - SOSR (State of the School Report) mailed Sept. 21st, first round of Annual fund letters will be sent out starting October 5th 

 New Business      

  • Committee Descriptions and Assignments – Committees were reviewed to determine if they were still necessary. Assignments are as listed. Each committee will review the purpose and update descriptions accordingly. 

    • Fundraising – Chelsey, Zach, Brandon, Aimee  

    • Budget & Finance – Mandi, Cory, Zach

    • PR/Mktg./Dev. - Cassie, Aimee, Brandon

    • Curriculum – Cassie, Chelsey, Cory 

    • Personnel & Human Resources – determined to not be necessary. Employee Handbook will be updated to list proper chain of command steps. William will be the first point of contact. Board members will act as a liaison to Father Aaron for necessary inquiries.  

  • Slate of Officers – Motion to approve the slate, seconded. 

    • Board Chair – Aimee Brichacek

    • Vice Chair – Cassie Roberts

    • Secretary – Mandi Hanson 

  • Constitution 

    • Revisions were reviewed during the meeting, further updates required. Final revision will be brought to the Board for approval at next meeting. Revisions are to align with current process. 

  • Meeting Structure - Exploratory Committee – on hold till next meeting 

  • Donation opportunity - Holst Acres will give a donation to the school in exchange for volunteer scarers at their Haunted Acres events.  Dates are either Oct 20th and/or 21st. Contact Aimee Brichacek if interested. 

  • Budget and P&L – reviewed during meeting 

  • Central MN Irrigators – 2nd grade grant awarded. See Parochial School report. 


Next Meeting November 1st at 5:30 in Church basement 

Closing Prayer William Liedl 

Minutes submitted by Aimee Brichacek

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday September 20th 5:30p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to Order          Aimee Brichacek 

Attendees: William Liedl, Father Aaron, Chelsey Olander, Cory Detloff, Zach Brusewitz, Brandon Pearson, Cassie Roberts, Shela McIlravy, Aimee Brichacek 

Opening Prayer Fr. Aaron 

Approval of Agenda    

Approval of Minutes    

Parochial School Report Wm Liedl   

  • Enrollment is up. Last year at this time we were at 108, we are currently at 110 and have 3 more prospective families 

  • 2nd grade was approved of a $500 grant for a hydroponics section from Central MN Irrigators. William and Justin are working on ordering supplies to get started.  

  • FastBridge testing is starting this week and going into October 

  • Fire drill last week, we’ll have an “intruder drill” later this week, and a storm shelter drill in October 

  • Curriculum is still not here; William is working with Shane at the public school to resolve 

  • First lunchroom volunteers went well; Slottr sent out in hopes of more signups 

  • Fish Fry Letter was sent out; Meeting on October 30th (6pm, food and drink provided) 

  • No mass on October 4th and 6th, both Father Aaron and Father Gabriel are out of town 

 Committee Reports - discussed during New Business. 

 Old Business 

  • Acton Exploration – The ACC micro school did not come to fruition this year. Further conversation will be had to determine next steps.  Father Aaron and William will provide an update at the next Board meeting so we can determine our next steps. 

  • Phone tree – has been updated and sent to the Board  

  • OSV - SOSR (State of the School Report) mailed Sept. 21st, first round of Annual fund letters will be sent out starting October 5th 

 New Business      

  • Committee Descriptions and Assignments – Committees were reviewed to determine if they were still necessary. Assignments are as listed. Each committee will review the purpose and update descriptions accordingly. 

    • Fundraising – Chelsey, Zach, Brandon, Aimee  

    • Budget & Finance – Mandi, Cory, Zach

    • PR/Mktg./Dev. - Cassie, Aimee, Brandon

    • Curriculum – Cassie, Chelsey, Cory 

    • Personnel & Human Resources – determined to not be necessary. Employee Handbook will be updated to list proper chain of command steps. William will be the first point of contact. Board members will act as a liaison to Father Aaron for necessary inquiries.  

  • Slate of Officers – Motion to approve the slate, seconded. 

    • Board Chair – Aimee Brichacek

    • Vice Chair – Cassie Roberts

    • Secretary – Mandi Hanson 

  • Constitution 

    • Revisions were reviewed during the meeting, further updates required. Final revision will be brought to the Board for approval at next meeting. Revisions are to align with current process. 

  • Meeting Structure - Exploratory Committee – on hold till next meeting 

  • Donation opportunity - Holst Acres will give a donation to the school in exchange for volunteer scarers at their Haunted Acres events.  Dates are either Oct 20th and/or 21st. Contact Aimee Brichacek if interested. 

  • Budget and P&L – reviewed during meeting 

  • Central MN Irrigators – 2nd grade grant awarded. See Parochial School report. 


Next Meeting November 1st at 5:30 in Church basement 

Closing Prayer William Liedl 

Minutes submitted by Aimee Brichacek

Sacred Heart Area School 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday August 16, 2023 at 5:30p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.  

Attendance: Father Aaron, William Liedl, Aimee Brichacek, Chelsey Olander, Mandi Hanson, Zach Brusewitz, Brandon Pearson, Katie Norris, Cassie Roberts 

Call to Order: Aimee Brichacek 

Opening Prayer: Father Aaron 

Approval of Agenda    

Approval of Minutes    

Parochial School Report  

  • Mass will be Wednesday and Fridays for the coming school year. Uniforms will be worn those days. PreK and Preschool will be joining after Easter Break as usual. 

  • New water fountain is in. 

  • Refinishing the terrazzo floor has been completed. 

  • Fast Bridge – William is compiling the numbers but was not provided with the district information for comparison. He is working with Janelle to get the rest of the information. 

  • Curriculum – Ok for this year. All books have been received except math, vocabulary and science. He was advised by the public school they were ordered. 

Committee Reports 

  • Fundraising - $10,000 Raffle update. All tickets sold. Suggestions provided for next year. 

  • Budget & Finance – will provide an update at next meeting 

Old Business 

  • Exploratory School Choice (Acton Book). Father updated the new Board members on the discussions around potential options. 

  • Michael Sullivan from Sanctuary Academy in Chicago is coming to Staples to visit the school and community August 26-28th. Another town hall or meet & greet at the ACC picnic will be planned.  

  • Hiring for school year – in search of a preschool aide.  

  • Lunch service – it was decided to pay for the service, which includes transport/delivery, from the public school. 

New Business      

  • New Board Members were in attendance and gave introductions. Welcome Brandon and Zach! 

  • Committees – descriptions were handed out to all members for review. We will discuss and assign out at the next meeting as well as vote on officer positions. The Constitution will be reviewed as well. 

  • ACC Youth Choir – Chelsey provided information on the formation of an ACC Youth Choir. William will share with parents to see if there’s any interest. 

  • Fish Fry – Knights of Columbus will help, but we are looking for families to step up and volunteer to keep this going. Information is being compiled and will be sent out soon. 

  • Back to School Open House – September 7th from 5-7pm, food provided and representatives from the 4 major fundraisers will share information with families. 

  • Annual Fund – State of the School was due August 15th. Need to go through and create mailing list for September 25th 

Next Meeting: September 20, 2023 at 5:30pm 

Meeting concluded at 7:30pm 

Closing Prayer: Father Aaron 

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, July 19, 5:30p.m. 

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendance:  Father Aaron, William Liedl, Aimee Brichacek, Katie Norris, Mandi Hanson, Cassie Roberts, Cory Detloff, Bryan Reese, Chelsey Olander

Call to Order:       Aimee Brichacek

Opening Prayer:  Father Aaron

Committee Reports - no reports this meeting

New Business 

  • Staffing update

  • Railroad Days - signed up for parade, will verify we are slated for Plinko. Will not do other carnival games but have a booth with school info next to Plinko.

  • 10,000 raffle: Handed out to Board. Slottr sent for Mass signup. Checks payable to Knights of Columbus this year. 

  • New Board Members: Interviews pending.

  • Town Hall Meetings Results – continued discussion on future options. Coming year will be used for exploration and research. 

Next Meeting August 16, 2023 at 5:30

Closing Prayer:  Father Aaron

Respectfully Submitted: Aimee Brichacek

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday June 21, 2023 at 5:30p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.  

Attendance: Father Aaron, William Liedl, Aimee Brichacek, Bryan Reese, Chelsey Olander, Cory Detloff, Mandi Hanson 

Call to Order: Aimee Brichacek 

Opening Prayer: William Liedl 

Approval of Agenda - approved    

Approval of Minutes - not received from last meeting    

Parochial School Report – nothing to report 

Committee Reports - nothing to report 

New Business      

  • Food Contract – public school sent a contract for the food service for the 2023-2024 school year. Changes coming are that we will not have to account for. Will advise public school that we intend to utilize lunch services.

  • Town Hall Meeting – as a follow up from the meeting held on the 18th, we discussed options for school models for our community – various models, options and considerations. We want to continue to grow our school and the options in our community but need to do this the right way planning and proper communication. Father Aaron is calling another meeting of a smaller group that expressed interest in alternative learning options to be at Sacred Heart Church on July 13th at 6:30pm.  

Next Meeting: July 19, 2023 at 5:30pm 

Meeting concluded at 7:30pm 

Closing Prayer: Father Aaron 

Minutes submitted: Katie Norris

Advisory Board Meeting

Thursday, May 11, 5:30p.m.

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendance: Father Aaron, William Liedl, Aimee Brichacek, Cassie Roberts, Katie Norris, Mandi Hanson, Cory Detloff, Bryan Reese, Chelsey Olander

Call to Order:  Aimee Brichacek (5:37 pm)

Opening Prayer: Father Aaron

Approval of Agenda   Voted and approved.

Approval of Minutes   Voted and approved.

Parochial School Report - William Liedl  

  • Fish Fry Numbers: earned 32,000 profit of 20,000 after expenses. Mandi is going to head it with Knights of Columbus.

  • Accreditation year 6 – Parent survey went out today, as well as to ACC community to help write school strategic plan. Visit planning for early April or late March of next year.

  • PreK #s for next year 10-14 or so, currently only 5 going from preschool to PreK.

  • Summer Academy team meeting coming up soon, looking to hire responsible for morning assistant and then Shari will be afternoon assistant with Audrey.

  • Tasha Shue, a national speaker, hired for October 11th to speak at teacher in-service.

Committee Reports 

Fundraising Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie: No final spring blast numbers yet, more than last year is the thought.

Budget & Finance Bryan/Cory/Mandi - no update

Personnel & Human Resources Katie/Aimee/Chelsey - no issues reported

PR/Mktg./Dev. Aimee/Cassie - set up Jessy Waldock to attend meeting

Curriculum Katie/Bryan/Cory - no update

Old Business

- Specials Contract – recommended to approve. Motion to approve and seconded. All approved.

- Fire Detection System installed next week. No disruption to classes.

- Terazzo floor refinish – planned for mid-June, expected to take 3-4 days. Summer Academy will relocate to Church basement.

- Teacher Contract update

- Sourcewell update: we did get in the grant with CLC, Lakewood, and Sourcewell for Edible Forest. We did get invited for a full proposal. June 14th from 9-1 in Staples. Funding review day. 9 projects that made it. 3/9 will be chosen.

New Business

- Jessy Waldock, Director of Communications for ACC welcomed. Discussed all options for marketing, what we are currently doing with what we could be doing. Jessy would like to see what we have and analytics from the website and Facebook. She will review and respond with recommendations. She advised of current practices and what’s being done in the ACC.

- Jessi – taking over more of Connie’s duties

- Mass Times: All grades will be attending mass on Thursday & Fridays.

- Principal Evaluations will go through Jessie and then to Aimee to compile results.

- New board members – sending out email as well as putting it in bulletin to gather interest.

Next Meeting June 7th, 2023 at 5:30

Closing Prayer: William Liedl

Closing Time: 7:18 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Katie Norris

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday April 5, 5:30p.m.  

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.  

Call to Order: Aimee Brichacek 

Opening Prayer: Fr. Aaron 

Approval of Agenda    

Approval of Minutes    

Parochial School Report: William Liedl  

  • Grants: Received $1400 grant from Catholic Foundation. Applied for additional Living the Promise Grants and FIBT’s Live First Community Grant. Staples Motley Area Community Foundation, Sourcewell and CUF about grant opportunities.S 

  • CSCOE - Had a meeting with Oona Myhre from CSCE, she said there isn’t typically anything they do for brick-and-mortar type grants but she will discuss with their CFO. 

  • Summer Academy - Ms. Hogate, Ms. Audrey and looking for one more person. More organized and structured this time. 

  • All School Field Trip - Holst Acres on May 23rd 

Committee Reports  

Fundraising(Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie): Fish Fry went very well. Spring Blast planning is underway and on schedule. 

Budget & Finance (Bryan/Cory/Mandi): Need to schedule a meeting  

Personnel & Human Resources (Katie/Aimee/Chelsey); Nothing to report 

PR/Mktg./Dev. (Aimee/Cassie): Nothing to report 

Curriculum (Katie/Bryan/Cory): Nothing to report 

Old Business  

  • Mass Changes: K-1st and Preschool announcement included in newsletter 

  • Spring Blast Update 

New Business      

  • Terrazzo floor bid – reviewed bid and approved to move forward 

  • Update to fire system in PreK building – received bids, approved best one. 

  • Budget: Will be reviewed by Committee and recap will be shared with full Board 

  • Teacher Contracts discussed 

  • Accreditation Update – Survey will be sent out to families as a part of the process 

  • Playground fence – discussed state of fence and potential options 

  • Fish Fry Future – discussed succession plan for this to continue 

  • Dollars for Scholars Award Program - Wednesday May 3rd.  6:00 Donor Social, 7:00 Awards Program 

  • 7-12th Grade - Fr. Aaron shared some thoughts on what he’s been hearing and what’s been on his mind 

  • Other Grants - Cory 

  • Irrigators, online application ($750) coming to apply for; FIBT’s Live First Grant was applied for. 

  • Specials Schedule/Contract -reviewed proposed contract but we have concerns. Will ask for a meeting with Superintendent to discuss. 

 Next Meeting: May 11, 2023 at 5:30pm  

Closing Prayer: William Liedl

Respectfully submitted: Katie Norris 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday March 1, 5:45p.m. 


SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all. 

Attendance:  William Liedl, Aimee Brichacek, Chelsey Olander, Cassie Robertson, Mandi Hanson, Cory Detloff 

 Call to Order:  Aimee Brichacek (5:50 pm) 

Opening Prayer:  William Liedl  

Approval of Agenda:   Voted and approved  

Approval of Minutes:   Voted and approved. 


Parochial School Report William Liedl   

  • Specials schedule for next year: No info yet. Hoping to get info before the next meeting.  

  • Catholic United Financial Raffle update: Raised $33,000 which was over the goal. 

  • Tammi Walz to start on Monday as a long-term sub in PreSchool. Going back to the two classrooms. 

  • Summer Academy - Ms. Hogate, Ms. Audrey and possibly one more person interested in running again. New this time: discussed changes that could make the program more organized and a better offering. Info will go out to families to see who is interested in the next few weeks.  Will also advertise on the website and Facebook.  

Committee Reports  

Fundraising (Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie):  Good start to the fish fry sold 383 meals. Spring blast is meeting and plan is in the works.  

Budget & Finance (Bryan/Cory/Mandi): Nothing to report 

Personnel & Human Resources (Kat e/Aimee/Chelsey): Nothing to report 

PR/Mktg./Dev.(Aimee/Cassie): Jessy Waldock, ACC Communication Director is coming to the May meeting. Continued website updates  

Curriculum (Katie/Bryan/Cory): Focus on more math for morning work.  


Old Business 

OSV Annual Fund – Reviewed emails that were sent out prior to meeting had positive response to the OSV annual fund. Was voted on to participate and approved. Email vote to follow to determine which plan/package we should to go with.  

Fire Detection System needed in the Rectory main level. Obtaining quotes to get pricing. 

New Business      

  • Mass on Friday Trial: After easter to have the K-1 class not go to church on Fridays. They will only attend on Thursdays during the week. Will need to wear school uniform still on both Thursdays and Fridays. This would give then 45 extra min a week to focus on reading and extra learning. Preschool will start attending after Easter on Thursdays. 

  • Sub Pay: Discussed current rate and approved to increase to meet industry standards.  

  • File Cabinets - Large, lockable one in PreK, Large lockable one in the office. Will check with places for donations. 

  • Q2 Surveys: Will be sent out to be reviewed by email.  

  • Budget: Discussed options for changing accounts to maximize investments and earning of interest. Getting rates verified and will vote on via email. 

Next Meeting: April 5th, 2023 5:30pm  

Closing Prayer: William Liedl 

Closing Time: 6:50 pm. 

Respectfully Submitted: Chelsey Olander 


Items voted on after meeting via email:  

Vote for program for OSV: 300 Full Programs, and 2100 get the SOSR and donation mailing. Approved. 

Was agreed upon by Vote: Move funds into a CD at First International Bank & Trust immediately for a 4% interest for 6months. Approved. 

Advisory Board Meeting 

Wednesday February 1, 5:30p.m. 

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all. 

Attendance:  Father Aaron, William Liedl, Aimee Brichacek, Cassie Roberts, Katie Norris, Chelsey Olander, Mandi Hanson, Cory Detloff, Bryan Reese 

Call to Order:  Aimee Brichacek (5:30 pm) 

Opening Prayer:  Father Aaron 

Approval of Agenda:  Voted and approved  

Approval of Minutes:  Voted and approved 

Parochial School Report William Liedl   

  1. Specials schedule with public school pending, but to be finalized before April. 

  1. Catholic United Financial raffle so far above pace of last year. Goal of $32,000. 

  1. Classroom updates. 

Committee Reports  

Fundraising (Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie): CUF going on now, CSW dance, Spring Blast update 

Budget & Finance (Bryan/Cory/Mandi): no update 

Personnel & Human Resources (Katie/Aimee/Chelsey): no update 

PR/Mktg./Dev (Aimee/Cassie):  Amazon Smile is stopping at the end of the month, Push Pay Donation working through the website 

Curriculum (Katie/Bryan/Cory): update from recent fall test score reviews, looking for some more definitive data from the school district. Overall, doing well in reading, could improve in math. Working on making some simple changes in the classrooms to incorporate more math practice. 

Old Business  

  1. Lamplighters: play is cancelled due to lack of interest for auditions.   

  1. OSV annual fund: discussed considering for fundraiser for next year. Tabled the vote until next meeting until we can get more information.  Budget & Finance Committee to discuss and look for more information. 

  1. Reviewed financial reports 

New Business  

  1. Edible Forest – presentation from Noah Boelter with CLC about what they are envisioning.  Looking at a grant from SourceWell and partnering with CLC who would manage an area next to the Legacy Gardens.  This would be a 1 yr grant that would start with infrastructure and irrigation first.  This is designed to promote community enrichment for zone 3 and education on where food comes from.  They are looking for our partnership and have another avenue for student education. The grant writing is in the early stages, we voted yes that we would be interested. 

  • Men’s Chorus group also looking for space 2nd or 3rd weekend in May. More details to come. 

  • 5th/6th grade field trip to Minneapolis/St. Paul: discussed options for alternative places if others don’t feel comfortable with students at the Capital.  We are going to bring the discussion forward from teachers to parents.   

  • Fire Detection system for the main level in the rectory discussed.   

Next Meeting March 1, 2023 

Closing Prayer:  William Liedl 

Closing Time: 7 pm. 

Respectfully Submitted, 

Katie Norris 

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday, January 11, 5:30 pm

SHAS Mission Statement:  In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Call to order:  Aimee Brichacek at 5:38 pm

Opening Prayer:  William Liedl

Approval of minutes: Voted and approved.

Approval of agenda: Approved and voted with change to February 1st meeting time.

Parochial School Report:

  • Custodian left. Former student is doing snow removal for us. The cleaner at the Church will start working in the school.

  • Classroom Updates

  • CUF raffle starts Friday.  Our goal is $30,000. We obtained at $29,200 last year which was just shy of our goal.  Seller incentives, classroom incentives. 

  • Alumni newsletter with < 20% overlap to ACC letter, looking to combine for cost savings and better impact.

Committee Reports

Fundraising: first Spring Blast meeting scheduled for later this month.  Other fundraising ideas presented.

Budget and Finance: reviewed questions from last meeting. 

Personnel and Human Resources:  nothing to report

PR and Marketing:  website updates and pending meeting with ACC Communications Director

Curriculum: scheduling a meeting

Old Business: 

  • Electronic sign: no updates.

  • Specials:  working with public school in regards to our relationship and planning for curriculum

  • LampLighters: planning to rent the stage for a spring performance – practices start January 25th and run through March 2nd.  Performances would be done by 3/6.  Wouldn’t need staff present because Mr. Justin is present.

New Business:

  • Michael Habeeb w/OSV on Teams: Discussed options for State of the School Address 

  • Preschool Directorship – considering for a staff member to become certified by  completing preschool accreditation and auditing from the state for PreK program.  Voted and approved to offer this taking some weight off Mr. Liedl.

  • Staffing Considerations

  • Grant opportunities discussed. A lot of options out there that we are looking into and hopeful about but wouldn’t expect immediate returns, may take a lot of time.

  • Survey results reviewed.   

Next Meeting:  February 1st

Closing Prayer:   Mr. Liedl.

Closing time: 8:36 pm.

Respectfully submitted: Katie Norris.

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday December 7, 2022

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendees: William, Shela, Cassie, Mandi, Aimee, Katie, Chelsey, and Bryan

Absent:  Cory. Father Aaron and Father Gabriel.

Call to Order: 5:35 pm

Call to Order Aimee Brichacek

Opening Prayer William 

Approval of Agenda approved.  

Approval of Minutes approved.

Parochial School Report William Liedl

Christmas Concert 21st, 1 pm and 6 pm 

Classroom Updates

Alumni newsletter finished by this week.  Out before Christmas

Finance committee – more questions, meeting next week.  

Committee Reports

Fundraising (Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie): CUF raffle is next, Spring Blast and Fish fry coming up.

Budget & Finance (Bryan/Cory/Mandi): Met yesterday.  Started processes.  Plan to meet.  Need to formulate tuition and donation opportunities. Push pay for the church, could it be used for the school?

Personnel & Human Resources (Katie/Aimee/Chelsey): nothing to report. 

PR/Mktg./Dev. (Aimee/Cassi):  Reviewed Calendar of Events and reached out to ACC Communications Director about grant writing and marketing assistance. Continuing with new website updates.

Curriculum (Katie/Bryan/Cory): Reviewing FastBridge scores tomorrow at 4:30 pm

Old Business

  • Fastbridge Testing Results – to review tomorrow with curriculum

  • Electronic Sign – potential for updating current sign to electronic version, more information needed

  • CSCOE Grant: curriculum dedicated.  $10,000. Voted and approved to spend on the rest of SuperKids curriculum. 

  • Holst Acres sent us $200 for helping out with Haunted Hallow.  It was a fun experience, we’d consider doing this next year. 

New Business

  • New Policy Updates and revamping the school handbook. Have been working to digitize our handbook.   

  • Year 6 of the School Strategic Plan.  Next year is accreditation.  This will be an all school effort.  There are tasks that are going to be divided amongst different groups.  

  • Mid Year Review with Teachers is coming up and quarterly review with parents is going out. 

Next Meeting January 11, 2023 at 5:30 pm. 

Closing Prayer William. 

Closing time 7:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted, Katie Norris

Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday November 2nd 5:30p.m.

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendees: William, Sheila, Cassie, Mandi, Aimee, Cory, Katie, Father Aaron, Chelsey

Call to Order: 5:34 pm

Call to Order Aimee Brichacek

Opening Prayer Wm L/Fr. Aaron

Approval of Agenda approved.

Approval of Minutes approved.

Parochial School Report William Liedl

Workathon: short of our goal by approximately $700. Goal was 12,000, raised 11,200. No after the fact donations.

Catholic School Center for Excellence grant should be submitted and done soon. $10,000 is contingent upon the paperwork that we need to do.

Radio promotions: Meeting today with KS radio,101.3 FM marketing/advertising person.

Specifically religious events so the Veteran’s day will not work but the Christmas program

could be if open to the public. Won’t do anything that involves fundraising.

Classroom Updates

Halloween dance: netted $1600 profit $1000.

Treats on the Streets: Halloween Hot Cocoa and Hot Dogs: $156 worth of hot dogs and cocoa. Better signage, advertising and decorations if continued next year.

Grants: Discussed options for potential grant opportunities for the school.

Committee Reports

Fundraising (Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie):

Upcoming fundraisers: Catholic United Financial, Spring Blast, Fish Fry

Budget & Finance (Bryan/Cory/Mandi):

Committee met with Deacon Randy to review and discuss the financials, and Stewardship Model in other dioceses. Starting this year to evaluate everything.Discussed endowment funds and where they are sitting.

Personnel & Human Resources (Katie/Aimee/Chelsey): Nothing to report.

PR & Marketing (Aimee/Cassi): Continuing to working on completing new website. Old website data is being archived for historical purposes. Continuing to review social media and other potential opportunities

Curriculum (Katie/Bryan/Cory): Nothing to report. To meet to review FastBridge.

Old Business

Science Class/Specials Class update.

Committee Purpose (descriptions) defined.

Fastbridge Testing results – planning a date to meet.

Holst Acres Volunteering – went very well, will do this again because it was so fun. Dropping a check off sometime this week.

Dress code will go out to the parents soon.

New Business

Financial Report

School Dance – Music as well as specials bus music was discussed for appropriateness..

Electronic Sign – discussed potential opportunity to remove the current sign and install a wireless electronic sign in the stone space. Cost of the lights and the sunlight causes problems with the electronics. Our current sign is free.

Future Meeting schedule- decided that Wednesday works best for Father Aaron.

Next Meeting December 7th , 2022 at 5:30 pm.

Closing Prayer William/Fr. Aaron

Closing time 7:00 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Katie Norris

Advisory Board Meeting Minutes.

Tuesday October 11, 2022 5:45 pm

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendance: William, Aimee, Katie, Cory, Mandi, Chelsey, Cassie

Time of Start: 5:50 pm

Call to Order Aimee Brichacek

Opening Prayer William Liedl

Approval of Agenda - Approved.

Approval of Minutes - Approved.

Parochial School Report William Liedl  

State of School Report went out since last meeting. Well received to this point.

Classroom Update

Fast Bridge testing completed. Waiting for results. Looking into getting information from the public school for comparisons.

Committees: need to come up with committee responsibilities, needs, expectations prior to next Meeting.

Fundraising: Mandi, Chelsey, and Cassie

Budget & Finance: Bryan, Cory, Mandi

Personnel & Human Resources: Katie, Aimee, Chelsey

PR/Mktg./Dev: Aimee, Cassie

Curriculum: Katie/Bryan,Cory

Old Business

LampLighters- asked for partnership to use stage, we told them to make a proposal.

Snack Money – asked Lakewood and applied for grant for funding for after school snacks, have not heard back.

Summer Academy – surveys went out today. First round of fast bridge results show that summer academy kids did not have the summer drop in scores.

Secretary training - Jessi will be working with Deacon Randy to start assuming more duties.

Home and School Association met last week with Principal. Goal is to secure funds for field trips and community involvement and increase parent involvement and outreach. Requesting information in the newsletter once monthly. Next big home and school event is the Halloween dance followed by Trunk or Treat at the school with hot dogs and hot chocolate

Science Class: Kids are getting duplicate class at this point. Discussed potential options.

Grants: Discussed how to search for grants and grant writing training. Cory is going to look into things as he does have some experience in this area. William or Jessi to reach out to Diocese as well as CUF and CSCU to see if other grants/options are available. Did receive additional funds of $7000.00 per diocese for retention and recruitment.

New Business  

Trunk or Treat: Home and School handling. Plan for 10/31 Halloween night from 4-6 serving hot dogs and hot chocolate at the school as the last stop for the community.

Holst Acres: discussed volunteers for a donation on 10/29. Going to send an email out to parents and if that doesn’t work, going to call them individually.

Dress Code: reviewed individual survey results and all comments. Reviewed other school dress codes. Made recommendations for amendments to our policies that will be updated by Principal and then read by the board prior to sending out to the school.

September Financials reviewed individually.

December 23rd: discussed half day vs canceling altogether. Felt it was needed to keep this day due to already limited academics that week secondary to program and parties.

Next Meeting 11/2/22

 Closing Prayer William

Closing Time: 8:10 pm

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Katie Norris.

    Advisory Board Meeting Minutes.

Wednesday September 14, 2022 6:00 p.m.

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendance: William, Aimee, Katie, Cory, Mandi, Chelsey, Bryan, Cassie

Time of Start: 6:00 pm

Call to Order Aimee Brichacek

Opening Prayer William Liedl

Approval of Agenda - Approved.

Approval of Minutes - Unanimously approved with one change.

Parochial School Report William Liedl  

State of School Report should go out by October, some trouble with the mailing list

Classroom Update

Spanish with Father Gabriel started this week in grades K-2, good response so far.

Website has stock photos that we are slowly replacing. Working on getting store up and running at end of website. 

Playground: needs updating of some broken equipment and the open fence in NE corner. Looking into cost of doing these repairs and options

Interview tonight for potential custodian position.


Vice Chair – appointed and voted for Cassie.


Fundraising (Mandi/Chelsey/Cassie)

Trunk or Treat discussion for Halloween Night which falls on a Monday, Halloween Dance that night or Friday before? 

Workathon coming up as next major fundraiser.

Budget & Finance (Bryan/Cory/Mandi) - have not meet

Personnel & Human Resources (Katie/Aimee/Chelsey) - no need to meet

PR/Mktg (Aimee/Cassie) - have not meet yet

Curriculum (Katie/Bryan/Cory) - will need to meet, Fast Bridge testing coming up.

Old Business

RailRoad Days: $4300 raised in total. Need to think about games differently for next year. Ran out of candy for parade. If parents can’t volunteer next year, maybe they could candy prior as an option.

10,000 raffle – discussed Cash Only option for next year. Need to talk to Deacon Randy about logistics/legality of this.

Amended Constitution – Advisory Board Members are to be nominated and then selected by Father Aaron.

Grant searching - discussion around how to find grants and how to write them.

New Business  

Classroom update

Black Jeans: Discussion had but then tabled until further notice. Will send out uniform survey prior to next meeting.

Specials: discussion about what our students are actually learning (phy ed, music,

STEAM, and science). They are not receiving art. More talk is needed from the teachers to figure out what we actually need/want.

Renting out Stage Space: LampLighters looking at options for rental space. Would consist of 5-6 weekend performances a year. May consider proposing options for new audio system (25%) and possibly visual system if we store them. Board would like them

to write up a formal proposal as what they would need from us and what they would pay in return. Priority would be given to SHAS events.

Next Meeting Undecided at end of meeting. To discuss via email.

 Closing Prayer William

Closing Time: 7:54 pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted

 Katie Norris


Advisory Board Meeting Minutes

Wednesday August 10, 2022 5:30 p.m. 

SHAS Mission Statement - In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

Attendance: William, Aimee, Katie, Cory, Mandi, Chelsey, Bryan.  Absent:  Cassie

Call to Order Katie Norris

Opening Prayer William Liedl

Approval of Agenda   Added radio promotion and committee roles

Approval of Minutes   Unanimously approved. 

Parochial School Report William Liedl  

  • Q4 survey went out.  Discussed feedback and created plan of action

  • Summer Academy: Broke even (approximately) Exit survey needs to be sent out.  Plan is to do it again, send out enrollment around January. 

  • Enrollment #s.  Currently 108 signed up for the year. Up about 5% from last year.

  • Website was published;  Still need to close the old one and archive it.

  • PreK application - 1 applicant

  • State of the School Report is going out to parishioners of the ACC


Chair - Aimee 

Secretary - Katie

Fundraising Mandi, Chelsey, and Cassie

Budget & Finance Bryan, Cory, Mandi

Personnel & Human Resources Katie, Aimee, Chelsey

PR/Mktg./Dev. Aimee, Cassie

Curriculum Katie/Bryan,Cory

Old Business

  • PreK  Expansion Update-  Meeting with the architect coming up, pending what they say, we may need to move PreK back to the main building and other grades back.  

  • RR Days

    • Truck for float - looking for pontoon, trailer for float and fishing theme

    • Oona Myhre - here the 19th from Catholic School Center of Excellence, wants to sit at our booth.  Aimee will be meeting with her.  

    • Sign-up - not a lot at this point.  Sending it out again.

New Business  

  • Welcoming of New Board Members

    • Present School Board Binders to all - request that everyone reviews contents of them.  We need as committees to formulate paragraphs as to what each committee is responsible for.  

  • School Calendar

    • Copies for all

  • $10,000 Raffle - 51 unsold or unaccounted for tickets at this time.  

    • Bring unsold raffle tickets

  • School Uniform (leggings) - email is going out tomorrow.  Doesn’t hold for PreK.  Okay to wear them under things  

    • Parent and Student Handbook p. 38

  • School Secretary raise - voted unanimously to approve

  • Radio Ad with Gene Kanten 30 seconds would run 30x for $300.00.  Vote was No.  Didn’t think it would be worth the money.

  • Discussed electives for specials for K-5, electives for 6th grade

    •  Concern for where gym is occurring given the renovations at the elementary.  

Next Meeting September 14th (moved from September 7th). 


Closing Prayer William

Minutes respectfully submitted

 Katie Norris.