Our Mission

In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive and welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

As believers in God and moved by the power of the Holy Spirit, we foster spiritual and academic formation of our students in a positive, welcoming atmosphere that reflects a respect for all people.



In sharing our Catholic faith in Christ, we foster spiritual and academic formation in a positive welcoming atmosphere that reflects love and respect for all.

  • We believe that every person is a child of God and has value

  • We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children

  • We believe that our fundamental mission is to prepare our student to love God and to reach heaven

  • We strive for holiness and know that in all things we MUST glorify God

  • We are obedient to the Church and her teachings

  • We believe that problems are best solved through dialogue and a joint plan of action