Covid-19 Update

  • Bussing

    Federal mandates currently require all bus passengers to wear masks, including passengers on school buses. This includes our students and any staff that may be a passenger on a bus.

  • Cafeteria

    Students will sit with their classes. The tables will be disinfected after groups (Group A consisting of grades K-3 and Group B consisting of grades 4-6) are finished eating.

  • Cleaning

    The custodial staff will clean as they have in the past, with enhanced attention given to high touch surfaces.

  • Drinking Fountains

    Our modification to the drinking fountain will stay in place for this school year. Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to stay hydrated throughout the school day.

  • Face Masks

    Per Bishop Kettler (8/2021), face masks are optional for students and for staff in school, including all indoor and outdoor school areas. They may be required elsewhere. For example, if a class takes a field trip, that location may require masks.

  • Close Contact Quarantine

    Per Bishop Kettler (8/2021) families must report to the school if their child was exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.

    • Sacred Heart Area School will follow the recommendation of the Minnesota Department of Health in these cases.

    • Students or staff members who have a close contact (less than 6 feet from someone for 20 or more minutes in a 24 hour period) with someone who has now tested positive and who are not vaccinated need to stay out of school until the 11th day after the contact.

    • Students or staff members who have a close contact with someone who has now tested positive and who are fully vaccinated do not need to quarantine unless they experience symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Reporting

    Bishop Kettler affirmed (8/2021) that our school must follow Minnesota Rule 4605.7070 which requires any person in charge of any institution, school, child care facility, or camp to report cases of COVID-19 to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). SHAS staff will report any known cases to MDH and to the students and staff that may have been exposed to this illness.


    Per Bishop Kettler (8/2021), families and our school staff will screen children for signs or symptoms of illness. Students who are ill should be kept home. Families should seek COVID testing and/or medical treatment when needed, but there is no “Decision Tree” that requires testing before students can return to school.

    As usual, students should not attend school if they have:

    • Fever of 100 or higher

    • Vomiting

    • Diarrhea, and/or

    • Cough (unless the cough has an alternate diagnosis)

    Other symptoms may indicate a need for the child to be home, and perhaps for the family to seek a medical opinion. There are commonly 11 listed symptoms for Covid 19; fever, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, muscle pain, nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting, chills, cough, runny nose or congestion, sore throat, headache, and fatigue.

  • Additional Information

    The Following are some other websites that you can also check in with to find more information on COVID-19:

 Updated: January 7, 2021