Press Release from Father Aaron

SHAS Families,

Sacred Heart Area School in Staples, Minnesota is happy to announce the hiring of Georgina Perez as Principal, beginning in July. Georgina is a faithful Catholic from the great state of Texas and has been a teacher of 8th grade English Language Arts and Reading in West Texas (2002-2015), a two-term member of the State Board of Education (2017-2022), and has loved working with students in juvenile probation settings within public school classrooms all of her career. She is eager to grow our school under her leadership. She is known as a teacher of teachers and an advocate for the education of young people, especially those in underprivileged situations. She has a degree in Business Administration and Accounting from the University of Phoenix (2003), and she has won the Texas State Teachers Association Super Hero Award (2019), along with several recognitions for her humanitarian service.    

Of course, everyone is wondering: why our school, why move from Texas to MN? Georgina, who also runs a family ranch inherited from her grandparents in West Texas, is passing on her responsibilities to her adult son and would like to give him space to be in charge without her getting in the way. Because of her love for teaching, she looked for a school to be a principal in a rural setting much like her own, where she could help teachers and students to grow in faith while increasing academic standards. She did a national search and found us. After making a visit, she fell in love with our community and is now eager to join us. This will be her first time as a principal and belonging to a non-public school, but with Father Aaron’s mentorship and the assistance of a group of parents & teachers to aid in her adaptation to rural MN culture, we expect she will settle in well, especially to our warm summers.   

The teachers of Sacred Heart will have a formal gathering with Georgina and the school board on Wednesday, July 17th, 5:30 pm, at SHAS, in the rectory office. Food provided by Fr. Aaron. 

An open house for school families and the parishes will be organized for sometime later in July to get to know Georgina before the school year. More details to come.

Welcome Georgina! And, may the Lord Jesus bless all our endeavors and plans.

That in all things God may be glorified,

Father Aaron Kuhn - Pastor/Superintendent of SHAS

On behalf of the members of SHAS School Board


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