Welcome to Third Grade!

The following shows what children will learn by the end of 3rd grade. This provides information about the key ideas and skills that will be introduced in English, reading, religion, math, science and social studies. Students will learn in an environment that is safe and inviting, but also supportive and encouraging.


·Parts of speech ·The writing process and sentence structure ·cursive writing ·Identify parts of a sentence ·Daily Grammar ·Weekly spelling words ·Weekly vocabulary words from novel study 


· Whole group and small group lessons in the skills and strategies of reading comprehension including main idea, cause & effect, fact & opinion, visualization, making connections, asking questions ·Accelerated Reader: individualized levels ·Book Reports: students will complete two book reports on independently read chapter books ·Weekly work based on various in class novels  


·Learning Jesus’ teachings through Parables ·Research saints ·Parts of the Mass ·The Liturgical Calendar of the Church ·The Seven Sacraments ·Marks of the Church ·5 Components of a Prayer ·Learn the Apostle’s Creed ·The respect and dignity for other


·Whole-number concepts and computation - place value to 100,000 - estimation - patterns and   sequences ·Multiplication & division – single and double digit ·Fractions - improper and mixed numbers ·Properties of operations ·Measurement – telling time – counting coins & bills ·Perimeter & Area ·Polygons - angles ·Real-world connections / word problems


·What affects the growth of plants ·Light and darkness and how it affects the eyes to see things ·Using sun, moon, and star observations to predict sky patterns ·Life Cycles of plants and animals and what they have or need in order to survive ·How Minnesota American Indian Tribes and communities and other cultures use patterns in stars to make predictions and plans.


·Identify ways people make a difference in the civic life of their communities, state, nation or world ·Explain the importance of civic discourse including speaking, listening, voting and respecting diverse viewpoints ·Describe the importance of the services provided by government ·Identify the three branches of government ·Costs and benefits – income and expenses (money earned and used) ·Goods and Services – resources needed – consumers and producers ·Maps and location words – create and explain simple maps ·Identify landform patterns – boundaries - physical and human made ·Reference 3 different time periods – examine things from the past to answer questions ·Compare and contrast to different viewpoints of the same account ·Concepts of space and time ·Inventions and people from the past who changed the world ·Methods of communication in the past


Mrs. McIlravy 

About Mrs. McIlravy

Hi!  I’m Shela McIlravy, the Third Grade teacher here at Sacred Heart Area School.  This year makes it 24 years that I have been teaching here and I have loved getting to know so many students.

I was born in Staples, graduated from Motley High School, and attended Moorhead State University where I met my husband, Curt.  We have been married for 27 years and have two beautiful boys that we consider to be our miracles.  Alex is 18 years old and is a freshman at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.  Zachary is 16 years old and is a sophomore at Staples – Motley High School School.  

Family is very important to me, and I have always loved working with children.  Being able to teach here at Sacred Heart has given me the opportunity to become a member of a much bigger family.

When I’m not teaching, I love to scrap book and spend time with my family.