This year the 5th grade class will grow intellectually and spiritually as they study a variety of subjects. During math the students will be working on place value, decimals, multiplication, division, and units of measure. They will also be studying data sets, fractions, geometry and measurements which include perimeter, area, and volume. In science we will be looking at organisms and the systems of the human body. We will also take a closer look at our ecosystem, weather patterns, energy and electricity. In Social Studies we will be exploring the Ancient Civilizations and life in the United States colonies and settlements. We will study The American Revolution, The Civil War and the United States Constitution. English will include researching different genres, parts of speech, and the writing process. This year in Religion we will expand our learning about the liturgical year. We will also take an extensive look at the different sacraments to develop a deeper understanding of how they bring us closer to Jesus. The 5th graders will continue to use faith, love and respect at the core of all we do academically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

Mr. Underhill

My name is Ben Underhill and I'm very excited to teach the 5th grade class at Sacred Heart this year. For the past few years, I've been a substitute teacher for a variety of classes, from preschool to high school at Staples-Motley, Sacred Heart, and Freshwater Education District. This includes a short stint as the Pre-K Aide in 2023 at SHAS. Before working as a substitute teacher I worked with natural resources. I have three young kids, all who will be attending Sacred Heart, my oldest is starting 1st grade this year. I've been a member of the Sacred Heart Church since 2016, when I first moved to Staples. Since then I've become more involved with the school, working on volunteering and even taking a lead role on the SHAS Fish Fry. All three of my children were baptized at Sacred Heart and we will continue to be a strong presence at Sacred Heart. Otherwise, in my free time, I love playing board games and reading. I mostly read sci-fi and fantasy novels, but I'll never turn down a good book in any genre, as long as I can find time to finish reading it! This year, in 5th grade, I want to challenge all my students and instill a love of learning, regardless of whether that is in academics or some other passion. I think having a growth mindset is the best way for each and every student to excel in school. I can't wait to start teaching this fall and help Sacred Heart truly become a school of excellence.